Tuesday, October 30, 2012


Attention all Mu Alpha Theta members and inductees, there will be a MANDATORY meeting on Monday, November 15, during lunch at 11:45 a.m in room 3106. Please be sure to eat prior to the meeting no food is allowed inside the building. Please keep an eye on the blog for any other information.


Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Our New Calendar!

Hello Mu Alpha Theta Members, this is our new calendar. There, you'll find important events, including meetings, days of tutoring, birthdays, etc.

All of the meetings are important, but we will stress the ones that are most imporant at least four days to a week advance. It is important that you are constantly checking the blog, if you do not attend the meetings you WILL be dropped out. Please, if you know that you will not be showing up, let Steven Sosa, David Pineiro, Stephanie Valdes, or Alfredo Valdivia know, and provide something in writing to keep track of your excused absenses.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

First Inductee Meeting!

Welcome Inductees! Please be aware that your first meeting will be held on Wednesday, October 24! It is imperative that you show up, so please spread the word amongst your friends that are also inductees! Unless you've been informed that you were not selected to be part of our club, you should show up to the meeting. If there are any problems with the attendance please speak Stephanie Valdes (305)-397-4120 or Mr.Nehme in room 3106. The meeting will also be held on room 3106, again, it is very important that you show up, we will be discussing things such as the inductee ceremony, fundarising, and important future events.

Kennedy Space Center Field Trip!

First of all, we'd like to thank Elianis Nieves, president of the Social Studies Honor Society, for going through the pain of organizing this wonderful trip and, most importantly, inviting us to it!

Definitely, save the date Saturday, December 15, 2012!
If you are interested in attending this field trip contact Steven Sosa, who has the list of the participating members! This message is also for the inductees. Details on the price of the trip will be posted, so keep an eye on the blog for more details! It's going to be a wonderful experience and the itinerary will also be posted up.


Mu Alpha Theta is proud to announce our fellowships with the following societies in the school! Social Studies Honor Society: http://www.sshsgladiators.blogspot.com and Science National Honor Society: http://www.sites.google.com/site/myscienceportal Please feel free to navigate through their websites and if you have any questions comment below!

Monday, October 1, 2012


Your deadline for turning in the required material has been extended until Friday, October 5! We apologize for the inconvenience, we understand that the induction letter had the wrong date altogether. Please don't forget to stop by Mr.Nehme's and deliver your materials! We look forward to having you in our club, and please keep checking the blog and the announcements for further details relating when we will have our first meeting.

Shout Out to Steven Sosa!

Steven Sosa decided to "tweet" Carl Azuz, and, well, he actually tweeted back!
Here's a snapshot of what took place:

SAT Math Drills!

Do you need help in the SAT Math? Well, SAT Math Drills are now in session every Tuesday from 2:30pm-3:30pm at 3106.

Please help spread the word around, it'll be fanTAStic!

MAO Shirt!

Our newly renovated design!

With your help, we were able to do this!
 The shirts will be ordered by the end of this week!