Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Online Competition Sign-Ups

MAO members!

Those of you that have signed up and/or are still interested to participate in mathematics competitions, go to internetolympiad.org and register for an account. 

The NIMO contests are for members that want to compete individually, without the help from anyone else. The next NIMO contest will be held on March 3rd, 2013. 

The OMO contests are for teams of four students who will be working on 30 problems of differing degrees of difficulty for over a week.
The next OMO contest will be held from April 4, 2013 to April 15, 2014.

Prizes are offered for the members and/or that place in 3rd, 2nd, or 1st place, and these are Amazon gift cards.

Keep in mind that some of these competitions are coming up very soon, and if you do decide to compete, take it seriously, and commit to studying and preparing. The prize will be yours after all, so put forth your maximum effort.

More information is offered on the website itself, and if you have any questions regarding the competitions, contact me (Jacklyne), Mr. Nehme, or any of the officers, and I'll be happy to sit down and explain the process to you in more detail.

Thank you for your participation!