Sunday, October 20, 2013

Due Date & Meeting Reminders!

Good evening, MAO!
Tomorrow, October 21st, is the due date for fees, membership forms, and essays.
New members, keep in mind that all 3 must be completed in order to be in MAO.
Old members, only the fee, and the membership form must be completed by tomorrow. The essay is only for new members.

Don't forget that tomorrow we will be having a lunch meeting, at 11:30 a.m., in Mr Nehme's room! Stop by Mr Nehme's room before lunch to get your meeting pass!
Hope to see you all there!

Thank you.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

MAO Essay Prompt

MAO members:
On the left hand side of the blog, the link to the 2013-2014 MAO Essay Prompt has been posted!
**Also, make sure to write your name in your essay submission!**
Make sure to submit your essay as soon as possible as it is a requirement for MAO membership.
Thank you!

Sunday, September 22, 2013

2013-2014 MAO Membership Form

Current and future MAO members!
Make sure to fill the membership form out as soon as possible so we can have all members in our MAO database. 
Thank you!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

T-shirt Design Option

MAO members! 
Here is one of the possible t-shirt designs for the 2013-2014 school year. 
Make sure to cast your vote in the poll on the sidebar! 
Remember, without your vote, we can't have your input.
Thank you!

Past Meeting PowerPoints

MAO members! Here are the PowerPoints from some of our last couple of meetings.
If you missed the meeting(s) on one of those dates, now you can remain up-to-date on what was discussed. Make sure to browse through, and feel free to ask any questions regarding the information on there, either through comments or texts!

Monday, February 4, 2013

Karaoke Night Update

It's crunch time! We have to get everything set before the 2nd Annual Karaoke Night. You all have committees, stick to them!

Jackelyne Vargas
Annie Dheng
Stephanie Valdes
Samantha Alvarado

DJ Master Nevets/Steven

Diana Romero
Jessica Balmesada

Social Media (Facebook/Twitter/Mass Text):
Alejandra Mena
Joe Vega
Edison Ray

Lejannie Garcia
Diana Romero
Jasmine Gonzales
Ingrid Cabrera

Teacher Support:
Adrian Perez
Jessica Balmesada
Kellen Sanchez
Sylenia Pineiro
Nicholas Lopez
Diego Gomez

Food/Food Supplies:
Ingrid Cabrera
Kellen Sanchez
Richard Delgado
Jasmine Perez
Ashley Ariza
Giselle Del Sol

Get to it!


Fellow MAO members! You must follow the school rules. Uniform at all times. 
The only acceptable time to wear the awesome club shirt is on Friday. 
Khakis are your best friend, and jeans are your worst enemy.
Feel that breeze coming from the office? You'll catch a cold unless you wear APPROVED OUTERWEAR

Thanks to those of you who comply with the school uniform policy!