Monday, February 4, 2013

Karaoke Night Update

It's crunch time! We have to get everything set before the 2nd Annual Karaoke Night. You all have committees, stick to them!

Jackelyne Vargas
Annie Dheng
Stephanie Valdes
Samantha Alvarado

DJ Master Nevets/Steven

Diana Romero
Jessica Balmesada

Social Media (Facebook/Twitter/Mass Text):
Alejandra Mena
Joe Vega
Edison Ray

Lejannie Garcia
Diana Romero
Jasmine Gonzales
Ingrid Cabrera

Teacher Support:
Adrian Perez
Jessica Balmesada
Kellen Sanchez
Sylenia Pineiro
Nicholas Lopez
Diego Gomez

Food/Food Supplies:
Ingrid Cabrera
Kellen Sanchez
Richard Delgado
Jasmine Perez
Ashley Ariza
Giselle Del Sol

Get to it!

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